Thursday, May 8, 2008

Playing Catch Up

Last night Nate's basketball team, the Miners, won in overtime. It was pretty intense. The ref had absolutely no control of the game. I think he called 3 fouls for the whole game. I am not exaggerating! It was crazy! Go Miners!

The other day I had my blood tested. The guy that does the test looks at your blood under a microscope and shows it to you on his computer screen. It was pretty wild. After seeing what healthy blood cells look like, you can tell how messed up yours are. Well he found this huge black formation and he said it was OROTC Acid. The strange thing is that he usually only finds this in blood of people who smoke or drink. He told me that it can also be caused by fermenting protein. My cells were shaped like berries instead of round circles which indicates a lot of bacteria. He also said a bunch of other stuff, none of which surprised me. I have been to a few of his lectures and have wanted to do this test for some time now. My brother surprised me with it for my birthday! He teaches people about alkalizing their bodies by eating the way we are supposed to. Not many of us really eat enough of what our bodies need. I am changing my diet and I will see if it makes a difference in the way I feel. I'm excited!