Sunday, April 27, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Taylor is quite the little athlete. He is playing third base on his baseball team. Last week he caught a fly ball and tagged his base for a double play! It has been really busy with all the sports our boys are playing. We don't usually have them in more than one sport at a time. Nate is playing in a competition basketball league and both boys are playing flag football. It gives us something to do as a family and we really enjoy watching them play. They love it.

Snow Won't Get Us Down

My brother is so adorable. The snow came from no where... huge white flakes blowing like crazy. He said to Karli, "Let's go out and I'll push you on the swing!" It took some coaxing to get her out there but she did it. It was pretty cute. Later that day the sun was shining! This is spring in Utah.

Work Outs Killin' Me

Since I started getting up at 5:00 a.m. about three weeks ago I have hardly looked at the computer. A few friends and I started going to the rec center three days a week to work out. There are really good classes there that kick my butt every time. The only way I can get myself out of bed at that hour is that I know someone will be waiting for me. I've always felt guilty for never that the guilt is gone I have a new problem. By 8:00 at night I am so tired that I cannot wait till I can go to sleep! Usually I would blog after I get my kids to bed but there is now way now! You are thinking, well just find time during the day. Since my cute hubby is now working from home he needs to be on the computer most of the time. After working at home for these last two weeks with the kids running around like a herd of elephants he is thinking about paying for an office space at the brokerage he works for. I'm going to try and catch up with all the time I've missed.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tea for 4

Today was the kids' 2nd day off track. Today we had a fun tea party. Halee is frowning because I told her to put on a happy face. Everyday is opposite day for her! We made mini cupcakes and decorated them and ate tiny sandwiches and veggies. Kool-aid tea is the best! It was jolly good fun.

After seeing Enchanted the other day, I decided that when ever I feel like raising my voice at my kids instead I'm going to talk in a princess Giselle voice. So instead of saying, "Sit down Right Now!" I'll say in my best princess voice, "Darling...please sit down, I don't want you to get hurt." It's really fun and I think it annoys everyone, especially Trevor, which makes it even more fun.

Friday, April 11, 2008

A Sticky Situation

The other day my sweet friend, Heidi, took my kids all afternoon for me. As if she doesn't already have enough to do. So she wanted to take them to Arctic Circle for ice cream. They wanted to sit in the very back of her suburban where the trunk space is. (She has a small row of seats that face the back window with seat belts.) She retells the story of how she couldn't see them or hear anything except for giggling. Upon arriving at their destination, Heidi was surprised to find Halee with her wad of bubble gum stuck in her hair and Taylor's gum stuck in his belly button. Halee explained to Heidi that Taylor thought it would be fun if they stuck the gum to different parts of their bodies. Poor Heidi. It was pretty funny though. Today Taylor's belly button is sore from him still picking gum out of it!
Well now I have something embarrassing admit something. A while ago Trevor and I went out with some friends and after dinner we went to their house to watch a movie. Well it was pretty late and I was pretty tired, so I made myself comfortable on the love sac. My gum got really old and it was driving me crazy to chew it any longer. But of course it was too inconvenient for me to get up out of the love sac and have to miss part of the movie to find somewhere to throw it away. So I came up with the brilliant idea sticking the gum to my leg. There's no way I would forget that it was there! Well I totally forgot. The next morning I couldn't figure out why the leather chair in my office that I was sitting on had gum all over it. Finally I found it stuck to my pajama bottoms. What a MORON! I'm worse than my kids! Tip of the day: BUY GOO-GONE! It got the gum off my chair in a snap!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sick of Living Like a Slob


When it comes to organizing and cleaning...I'm really good at it when I do it. It's the doing it regularly part I need improvement on. I usually get motivated when either someone is coming to
stay with us or it's so bad I can't stand it any more. The pantry was getting so out of control that I could hardly even fit any more in there, let alone find what I need. It took me about 2 hours to complete but it looks so awesome now! I can find everything too. Hooray for me!


Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Angels Win!

Yesterday Taylor had his first baseball
game. It is machine
pitch this year. He did awesome! He hit the ball every time that
he was up to bat. We won 8 to 2. It was fun but freezing!
Way to go Taylor!

Too Busy to Blog?!

What a crazy week! So much to do. I've been saying every day, " I can't wait until this week is over!" Now it is and I can breathe a little. Trevor has had tooth pain on and off since September. Our dentist couldn't find anything wrong and neither could a specialist. This last week the pain got so bad that he couldn't stand it. I was afraid he was going to start drinking! (jk) The pain was moving up into his cheek and head. So he went to the dentist and he found that it was infected. He drilled through and was amazed at how much stuff was coming out!! Gross! Trevor came home with a huge swollen face and miserable. After a few days of antiobiotics he is doing better. I'm glad that we finally found out what was wrong at least. Once the infection is gone he'll be the lucky recipent of a Root Canal. Poor guy.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Jr. Jazz for the Whole Family

Last night it was Jr. Jazz night for Taylor's team. Because our coach and his son, who happens to be Taylor's best friend Colton, were both sick, he gave us all his extra tickets. So we took their other son, Zack and Karli's friend, Maddie, and our whole family got to enjoy the nose bleed section at Energy Solutions Arena ( I hate that name.) We had the second to the last row in the whole arena. We almost needed oxygen masks...especially after climbing all those stairs! At least I got a good leg workout going up and down to get everyone their free hotdogs and drinks! The kids had a blast. Halee was so enthrawled with the Bear. At first she thought that he would eat her...but I reasurred her that he was nice and not to worry. She would inform me constantly where he was. It was fun. Thanks Ben for the tickets. Wish you could have been there.